EM Cases

Our friendly staff will be able to assist you when making your appointments For appointments please call.


Opening Time

Monday – Friday 6.00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm


A cardiologist is a doctor that deals with the cardiovascular system. This means he or she treats any abnormality in our blood vessels and heart. This can include heart disease or condition which requires diagnosis and treatment.


  • Oncologist


  • Endocrinology
  • Doctor of Medicine, University of texas, USA (1990)
  • Medical Orientation Program, St. Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri 1996)


  • 1234 North Avenue Luke Lane, South Bend, IN 360001


  • 15 Years of experience in medicine


  • support@scora.com


  • +1 (514) 312-5678


  • www.scora.com
Tips & Info

Kivicare Tips for Healthy Children and Families

Raising a family isn’t always easy. You are busy, and so are your children. There is a lot to do in little time. But the stakes are high. Today, many kids are overweight or obese. A healthy, active lifestyle can help maintain weight. It also can prevent health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.


Best Specialist Doctor

A confiança de estar fazendo o tratamento CERTO!

A OdontoCerto – Clínica Odontológica de Palhoça, Grande Florianópolis, busca oferecer com muito AMOR soluções que mudam o sorriso e a autoestima dos pacientes, com mais de 12 anos de experiência e uma equipe super capacitada.


Seg - Sex: 08:30 às 18:30
Feriados e Finais de Semana: Fechado

Rua José Maria da  Luz, 2754,
Centro, Palhoça - SC - CEP 88131-000

(48) 98848-8587

(48) 3242-3099

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